Hier die besten Szenen der High Tide Folgen. Ich habe versucht, möglichst wortgenau zu sein, einige Fehler können sich trotzdem eingeschlichen haben.

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Zur 3. Staffel hier


The Runaways

Joey redet vor sich hin...

Joey: "And it's gonna be great, taking over Ians shop..."

Mick: "Oh, wait a minute, just last night you worried about becoming a 9 to 5 worker!"

Joey: "Yeah, but I've been thinking since then!"

Mick: "Oh, I'm not worried."

Joey: "Now, there was this guy on TV last night, he was my age, but he's become a millionaire, selling stuff with the mail."

Mick: "Joey...Ians shop sells surfboards..."

Joey enthusiastisch: "Yeah!"

Mick dämmert's: "You wanna sell surf boards through the mail?!"

Joey: "Nobody else is doing it!"

Mick trocken: "There might be a reason."

Joey: "Yeah? Like what?"

Mick: "Like how do you fit a surfboard through a little tiny mailbox!"

Joey: "Maybe we can have inflatable surfboards and sell them through the mail, han?"

Mick trocken: "Oh, yeah. How about folding surfboards?"

Joey greift die Idee sofort auf: "Folding surfboards...yeah!"


Joey sieht eine hübsche, junge Frau, die einen Surflehrer sucht. Ian erklärt ihr gerade, dass ihr Shop keine Surfstunden anbietet.

Joey: "Hi there, my name is Joey Barrett. Nice to meet you. Ahm...my brother and I are planning to taking over this surfshop for a while and surfing lessons is definitely one of the services we plan to provide!"

Girl: "Oh, that's great! How much do you charge?"

Joey: "Charge...ahm..."

Ian: "Oh, we usualle charge 20$ an hour."

Joey zur Frau: "20$?"

Girl: "Yeah!"

Joey: "Great, great! When would you want to start?"

Girl: "Say...one o'clock?"

Joey: "Great for me!"

Girl: "Great for me, too!"

Joey nickt begeistert.

Girl: "Davy! Come here and meet your surfing instructor! This is my little brother Davy. Davy, shake hands with Mr Barrett. He'll be teaching you."

Davy: "He looks like a geek!"

Girl: "Davy, be nice! So, see you at one!"

Joey konfus: "Yeah...yeah..."

Ian: "The hardest thing you'll have to remember sometimes is: the costumer's always right!"

Joey ironisch: "You are a very funny guy."


3 ehemalige Miss Schweden brauchen eine Führung durch den Surfshop. Doch Joey müsste Davy Surfstunden geben.

Joey flehend: "Mick, Mick, Mick! Do me a favour bro, please. Take my lesson for me. Ok? I'll owe you a big time. Come on!"

Mick nachdrücklich: "Alright. But you will owe me!"

Joey: "Absolutely, absolutely."

Mick: "Well, Davy, I think you'll be stuck with me for the day."

Davy: "Well, the lesson's not for me, it's my sister who wants to learn."

Girl: "Yeah, he said he had such a good time so I wanna try."

Joey fällt die Kinnlade runter, Mick grinst.

Mick: "Well, you came to the right place and the right Barrett!"

Drei ältere Damen betreten den Laden.

Mick zu Davy und seiner Schwester: "I'll be right with you!
zu den älteren Damen höflich: "Good day."

Inga: "Hi, I'm Inga, these are my sisters Maria and Greta. Who is to show us around, please?"

Mick zeigt fies grinsend auf Joey: "Ahm, he's your boy, ladies."

Inga: "Oh, what a cutie!"

Die drei ehemaligen Miss Schweden stürzen sich unter Oh-Rufen auf Joey und fassen ihn ungefähr überall an. Der schaut ziemlich entsetzt, während Mick sich laut lachend mit Davy und seiner Schwester zum Strand aufmacht.

Joey: "Ah...Mick...bro...bro, help!!"


Regarding Joey

Die Presse will ein Statement von Sorenson über den Mord, für den er angeklagt ist.

Sorenson: "It was an accident."

Journalistin: "But the victim was found in the trunk of your car."

Sorensons Anwalt: "Mr Duphy committed suicide."

Journalistin: "Are you saying then, that Mr Duphy shot himself in the back of his head, wrapped himself in plastic and then locked himself in Mr Sorenson's trunk?"

Sorensons Anwalt: "He was very depressed."


Mick besucht den immer noch unter Narkose stehenden Joey nach der OP.

Mick: "Had us pretty worried then, pal. Just gotta do things your own way, don't you. Pain in the butt. I really thought...maybe I'd lost you...
But you'll be fine, Joey. I'm here now. I'm not gonna leave you alone again.


Mick schläft in Joeys Zimmer. Er wird wach, als jemand durchs Zimmer geht, springt auf und packt ihn. Der Wachmann vor der Tür stürzt herein und macht Licht. Es ist Joey.

Mick (zum Wachman): "It's ok! False alarm!"

Der Polizist zieht sich zurück.

Mick: "You scared the hell out of me!"

Joey: "I scared you?"

Mick: "Oh, man, I'm so sorry."
Och, did you take the IV out?"

Joey: "Yeah. It was itching me. Had to go to the bathroom."

Mick (lacht erleichtert): "Forgot what happened the last time you had to go to the bathroom?"

Joey (nicht sehr überzeugend): "No..."

Mick: "You're alright?"

Joey (denkt nach): "My head hurts."

Mick: "Yeah, that can. Oh I'm sorry. Come on. You're hungry?"

Joey: "No, I'm thirsty. I could drink."

Mick beeilt sich, dem Wunsch nachzukommen: "Thirsty, thirsty, yeah."

Joey leert das Glas Wasser in einem Zug.

Mick: "Alright, you are thirsty."

Joey: "Thanks. Well, I'd better get going."

Mick hält ihn zurück: "Wait, wait, wait, wait a minute, pal, you're not going anywhere."

Joey: "I'm not?"

Mick (leise lachend): "No."

Joey zeigt auf die Tür, hinter welcher der Wachmann sitzt: "Did I do something wrong?"

Mick (überrascht): "What? Nonono, he's there vor your protection. Don't you remember what happened?"

Joey: "No."

Mick (nachdrücklich): "You were shot."

Joey: "Oh. Really?"

Mick (besorgt): "Really."

Joey: "This is a hospital, then?"

Mick (leise): "Yeah"

Joey: "This is my room."

Mick: "Yeah..."

Joey: "And what are you doing in here?"

Mick irritiert: "I didn't think you want to be alone after all you went through."

Joey schaut zu Boden.

Mick fragend: "Joey...Joey?"

Joey schaut ihn an.

Mick: "Joey, you're feeling alright?"

Joey: "I should probably know who you are, shouldn't I?"


Doktor: "This isn't as uncommon as you might think, Mr Barrett."

Mick: "He doesn't know who I am. He doesn't even know who he is!"

Doktor: "I understand that."

Mick: "Well, but I don't! You said there wasn't any damage!"

Doktor: "No, no brain damage. But this kind of amnesia is often caused by the sort of trauma your brother experienced. The shock was both physical and mental."

Mick: "So how long does it usually last?"

Doktor: "Oh, it's impossible to say. Cases vary. Some patients retrieve with some pieces of their past, others wake up one day with a fully restored memory, still others have to relearn everything."

Mick: "But how come he can still talk?"

Doktor: "The amnesia doesn't affect those areas of the memory. What your brother has lost is his identity and all that goes with that."

Mick bitter: "Yeah, including me."

Doktor: "Yeah, including you."

Mick: "So how do I help him?"

Doktor: "Well, sometimes the same sort of trauma can revers the process, but we sure won't bash him on the head. The only thing one really can do is wait and see."

Mick: "What are you saying, do nothing?!"

Doktor: "Well, I don't wanna give you false hope, but one thing that has been known to work is cognitive therapy. That is to say: if one can somehow find the trigger, it might release the memory from the subconcious."

Mick, plötzlich wieder hell wach: "What kind of trigger?"

Doktor: "Well, what you would literally have to trying to do is "jog" his memory. Sit down with him, talk to him, tell him about his life, some specific moments, even a phrase can do it."

Mick: "I say the secret word and get my brother back, is that it?"

Doktor: "Yes."


Joey erwacht mitten in der Nacht aus einem Albtraum. Mick ist sofort da.

Mick: "Joey, Joey, you've had a night mare."

Joey: "Oh...yeah...guess you're right, bro."

Mick: "Do you remember who I am??"

Joey: "Yeah."

Mick: "You do?!?"

Joey: "Yeah, you're Mike, right?"

Mick enttäuscht: "Mick...Mick."

Joey: "Oh, man, I'm sorry!"

Mick verwirft enttäuscht die Hände.

Joey: "I'm sorry, really, I'll get it right next time, I promise!"

Mick: "Just go back to sleep, ok?"


Joey erzählt Mick von seinem Albtraum.

Mick: "Joey, was there a girl?"

Joey, ganz selbstverständlich: "Mick, there's always a girl!"

Mick spring begeistert auf Joeys Bett

Joey: "What..."

Mick: "That was no dream!"

Joey verwirrt: "Wasn't it?"

Mick: "Well, yeah, yeah it was a dream, but that actually happened to us!"

Joey: "No, Mick, these guys, they were chasing us, they had guns!"

Mick: "Yeah, they usually do!"

Joey noch verwirrter: "They do??"

Mick lachend: "Yeah, come on, you gotta think! You're on the track, you!"

Joey: "I know but there were just images, I...I don't know, it was just a dream!"

Mick: "Look, last year, Gordon sent us down to Mexico..."

Joey: "Wait a minute, who is Gordon?"

Mick beruhigt sich und überlegt.

Mick mehr zu sich selbst: "You don't remember Gordon..."

Joey: "No."

Mick will wieder vom Bett runter: "Good Night!"

Joey hält ihn zurück: "Wait, wait a minute, what about Mexico? What about a year ago? Tell me!"

Mick gibt auf: "Alright, alright."


Mick erzählt Joey von ihrem Job.

Joey: "You shouldn't do that to a guy who's just suffered a head injury."

Mick: "Do what?"

Joey: "Oh, come on, you're making that stuff up!"

Mick: "I'm not, I wish I were!"

Joey nachdrücklich: "That kind of thing does not actually happen."

Mick: "To us it does!"

Joey: "How?!"

Mick: "Well, it usually starts with one of Gordons goddaughters."

Joey: "What line of work are we in?"

Mick: "Ahm...we're not really in any line of work."

Joey: "See, that's the problem. Too much time at our hands! You don't like this Gordon guy very much, do you?"

Mick: "It's not that I don't like him, it's just that I could do without him, that's all."

Joey: "Well, he sounds kinda cool to me!"


Mick bringt Joey eine Tasche voll Fast Food aufs Zimmer. Der spielt gerade mit Fritzi Schach. Mick kommt ungläubig näher.

Mick: "You don't play chess!"

Joey: "You say so", und setzt Fritzi schachmatt.

Fritzi: "That's fascinating."

Joey: "Oh, Fritz, this is my brother, Mike."

Mick: "Mick!!!"

Joey zuckt zusammen: "Mick...Mick..."

Fritzi lacht: "We know each other."

Joey: "Oh. Oh...you two..."

Fritzi und Mick wehren sich durcheinander: "No, no, come on, don't think...we're just friends! Just friends!"

Joey: "Ah, so maybe no, but you wanted, really."

Mick leert Joey das Essen aufs Bett.

Joey zu Fritzi: "He's a little upset."

Fritzi: "Is he?"

Joey: "Yeah. He seems to think we're some kind of ninja-surfer-detective-cops or something."


Mick packt Joeys Sachen zusammen. Joey sitzt etwas traurig auf dem Bett.

Joey: "You're pretty mad, aren't you?"

Mick wirft energisch Sachen in Joeys Sporttasche: "What?"

Joey: "About this court case, this guy I'd have to testify against, that's pretty bad news, isn't it?"

Mick: "He's the one who shot you, Joey."

Joey lässt den Kopf hängen: "I'm sorry."

Mick: "Why are you sorry?"

Joey: "I'm sorry that I can't be mad like you. I...I try to be, but I can't remember. It's a little hard for me to be upset about it."

Mick: "Don't worry about it. I'm mad enough for both of us."

Joey: "I just wished I could help you out, that's all."

Mick leise: "It's ok."

Mick hört of zu packen: "It'll come back. We just gonna get you out of the hospital and up on your board, that will do it, hm?"

Joey: "Yeah, maybe."

Mick beginnt wieder zu packen.

Joey: "You know, it's funny. You tell me about me...us...it's kind of like you're telling me about this other person, this person that I don't know. The funny thing is, I kinda like him."

Mick leise: "It's hard not to."

Joey: "What do you mean?"

Mick: "Everybody likes him."

Joey: "Really?"

Mick: "Really."

Joey zögernd: "Do...ahm...do you like him?"

Mick sieht ihm fest in die Augen: "I love you. You're my brother."

Joey: "Pretty close, hm?"

Mick lächelt: "Pretty close."

Joey: "But can we still be? I mean, if I don't remember all this stuff? What if...if I won't ever get my memory back, I mean...if...you won't like me as much?"

Mick: "That isn't something you've ever got to worry about."

Joey: "Thanks."

Mick lehnt sich auf den Tisch und schaut Joey wieder in die Augen.

Mick: "Let me tell you something about Joey Barrett. He's got this talent. Talent for living. Not everybody has it. It's a gift...I admire. It gets him and me in a hell of a lot of trouble. But I sure do admire."

Joey ungläubig: "You admire me?"

Mick lächelt: "Yes, I do."

Joey: "Mick?"

Mick: "Yeah?"

Joey: "I'm afraid. What if I won't ever get my memory back...then who will I ever be?"

Mick: "You'll still be you, Joey. You'll still be my brother."

Joey: "That's a good thing, right?"

Mick: "Oh, yeah. It's the best, bro."


Pay Day

Mick und Joey stehen an der Reeling eines Schiffes und bekommen einen Drink serviert.

Joey: "Thank you! Oh, this is prima, man, prima!

Mick, nicht überzeugend: "Yeah, prima."

Joey: "What's your problem? The sky's now clearing up, the water's now warming up, this whole trip's a totally awsome thing, so what?"

Mick: "It's a catch. It's gotta be."

Joey: "What's the catch?!?
Look, you hit the big 3-5, right? Gordon sends you on an all-expense-payed trip for two to mark the occasion. And you have the good sense to bring along someone who knows how to enjoy himself - moi!"

Mick sarkastisch: "I didn't have much of a choice when I couldn't find the second ticket till you showed up at the airport."

Joey: "Do yourself a favour, bro: stop counting the candles and let's enjoy some birthday cake!"

Mick erschaudernd: "Brrrr...Gordon's here, I can feel it!"

Joey: "Maybe in spirit. But his body is 7000 miles away. Forget him!"

Eine hübsche Stewardess kommt dazu.

Stewardess: "Mr. Barrett?"

Der Blick der Brüder wandert vom Gesicht hinunter über die Beine und wieder hinauf.

Unisono: "Yeah?"

Stewardess: "The Capitain would like to see you.

Der Capitain unterhält sich angeregt am Telefon. Als er die Barretts sieht, gibt er Joey den Hörer.

Joey: "Hello?"

Gordon: "Joey, my boy! How's the trip?"

Joey: "Hey...Gordon..."

Mick: "So much for 7000 miles away!"

Gordon: "Is that Mick?"

Joey: "Yeah. Yeah,  is something wrong?"

Gordon redet ein bisschen um den heissen Brei. Dann...

Gordon: "Fact is, I need to ask you something..."

Mick: "Oh, whatever he wants, the answer's No!"

Gordon: "...and before Mick says No you need to hear hear me out!"

Joey: "It's too late, he already said it!
Look, this is our vacation, Gordon."

Gordon: "Of course it is. But I did pay for it.

Joey, etwas sprachlos: "Well, yeah, I...I know you payed for it, but...ahm..."

Mick ruft in den Hörer: "This trip is a gift!"

Gordon: "Alright. Then I guess we'll just have to let the winds of faith blow their course. However evil and despicable their way might be."

Joey: "That's a little dramatic, don't you think, Gordon?"

Gordon: "You're right. I'm probably just overreacting. Besides, you'll be too busy having fun relaxing on the beach to take five minutes out of your carefree day to help someone who may desperately need it."

Joey: "So somebody needs help?"

Mick: "Yeah, we need help getting away from him! It's our vacation!"

Joey: "Look, Gordon, not only this is our vacation, but we're just about to land in Tova. Don't gonna be another boat out here for at least a week, so..."

Gordon: "That's the funny thing, you see, there's this old friend of mine,.."

Mick: "Oh, no old friends!"

Gordon unberührt: "...his name's Tony Wills. He's prefect of the police on Tova."

Joey: "You know the chief of police on the island?!?"

Mick: "Oh, what a coincidence!!"

Gordon: "What a coincidence's that? Anyway. I told Tony all about you boys and he's just dying to meet you."

Joey zögernd: "Yeah...sure...bet he is...

Mick schüttelt resigniert den Kopf.


Die Barretts sprechen mit Tony Wills über die Gang, die die Insel beherrscht.

Mick: "So who are these kids?"

Tony: "Beachrats. Spending the day over at the beach."

Joey: "Oh, great, listen! Why don't we put on a demo? Teaching them to surf, changing their lives!"

Genervter Blick von Mick.

Joey: "Or not...?"

Mick: "So if they're kids, where are their parents?"

Tony: "Left them. So they're spending the nights in the sports center in town."

Joey: "The sports center! That's it! What about a little one on one? You know, throw some baskets, break the ice!"

Tony: "They'd rather break your legs!...Kickboxing."

Joey: "Ouch..."

Tony erklärt die Situation.

Joey: "Ok, so why don't you just go against the leader, you know, get rid of him and then all your problems are...no problemo!"


Mick blufft er wolle gegen Kickboxer Manu antreten.

Joey schockiert: "You know this guy's supposed to be some pretty mean kickboxer, what if he actually shows?"

Mick gespielt gleichgültig: "I guess we'll find out what he's acually made of."

Joey ungläubig-nervös: "I just don't wanna find out what you are made of! Blood, guts, theeth, that sort of thing!"

Mick: "What about some confidence?"

Joey: "Ah, look Mick, I don't wanna have some! I mean, what the hell do you know about kickboxing??"

Mick leise: "I've seen it on TV."

Joey dreht fast durch: "Great! Great! Look, man, that thing in the squash court was lucky! If this guy's this good you just might get yourself killed!"

Mick: "You've got a better idea?"

Joey: "Yeah, I've got a better idea! Say we get out of here, go home and get your gun!"

Mick: "Well, let's put it this way...if this guy, Manu, does put me down...he's gonna have to face you."


Der Tag des Kampfes. Mick hängt kopfüber von einer Reckstange. Joey steht besorgt daneben.

Joey: "Well, take it easy, bro, save some for later."

Mick: "I'm just trying to stay loose."

Joey kopfschüttelnd: "We won't gonna be lose in our head to be sticking around this place!"

Mick macht ein paar Klimmzüge.

Mick: "Don't have much choice."

Joey: "Sure we do! We go on one of those boats out there and we cruise all the way to Fiji!"

Mick: "What happens to Tony Wills and his family? What happens to this island?"

Joey wütend: "Who knows? I mean what would have happend if Gordon had never given you that vacation for your birthday, han? Well, I'll tell you what would have happened: we would have been at Boo, or at the Wedge, or shooting the pier at Hunnington. We wouldn't know the first thing about all that crap that's going on down here!"

Mick: "Yeah, but we are here and we do know about it."

Mick kickt knapp an Joey's Kopf vorbei.

Joey: "Woow, cool! Do that again!"


Mick und Joey sprechen mit Tonys Tochter Anna über Mick's bevorstehenden Kampf.

Anna: "Aren't you afraid?"

Mick: "Sure who wouldn't be?"

Joey mit sich überschlagender Stimme: "You are?? This is not what I wanna hear from you!"

Mick: "Well, it's all a question of how you handle it, you know? Some people run from fear, others like to crack jokes..."

Joey: "And...what do you like to do, tough guy?"

Mick holt ein Päckchen Kaugummi aus seiner Brusttasche.

Mick: "I, for example, I like to chew gum."

Joey beherrscht: "Ah...that makes me feel so much better..."

schreit hinter Mick her: "Gum!?! you like to chew gum!?!"


Die Gang steht den Jungs und Anna gegenüber. Anna erzählt, dass Manu mal jemanden im Kampf getötet hat.

Joey, völlig von der Rolle: "Oah. Isn't that great. He kills people."

Er bringt ein nervöses Lachen zustande.

Mick: "That was then, this is now."

Joey verzweifelt: "Yeah, and now we should sput. I'd say we pick up everything and clear out running!"

 Mick: "Do me a favour, Joey..."

Joey: "What? You want me to call for backup? Wave a little white flag?"

Mick holt sein Kaugummipäckchen hervor.

Mick: "No. Have a chewing gum."

Sie beobachten, wie Manu sich fertig macht.

Joey, schon ruhiger: "You ok?"

Mick: "Yeah. That's one birthday I won't forget."

Joey: "Yeah...let's just hope you'll live to see a few more..."

Mick schaut ihn komisch an.

Joey: "Aahm, what I meant was..."

Mick lächelt fast. Manu ist bereit und steht oben ohne da.

Joey: "Do you think he takes steroids?"

Mick: "Pfouh...I think he is a steroid!"

Mick fixiert Manu.

Mick: "Do me a favour."

Joey: "Sure."

Mick: "I lose...kill him."

Joey: "Ah...Redford Bloom. Butch & Sundance."

Mick: "Boah, you're good."

Joey: "Good movie."

Mick: "One of the best."


Mick hat den Kampf mit Müh und Not gewonnen.

Joey: "Kicked some pretty mean beats...for your age!"

Mick erschöpft: "I think I'm ready for that vacation, then."

Er legt einen Arm um Joey's Schultern.

Joey: "Happy Birthday."

Er legt seinerseits den Arm um Micks Schultern.

Mick lachend: "You give me a present?"

Joey: "Present?"

Mick: "Yeah."

Joey hebt mit dem Fuss Mick's Hemd auf.

Joey: "Ahm, present...ahm..."

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